

Schinkel Fine Art

Interactive MetalaMirror™ Artworks

Metalamirror™ - (portmanteau for “metal” and “mirror”) Multiple layered interactive artworks composed of one layer of Metalagram® - (portmanteau for "metal" and "hologram") and one aligned handmade silver mirror. This artwork is unprecedented and completely original. Metalamirror™ allows for deeper connections and comprehension of an intricate yet subtly co-dependent dance. Viewers reflected into the mirror and sculpted artwork, known as Metalagram®, are conjoined. Developed and evolved from Metalagram®, their original innovative work, Metalamirror™ provides unique interactivity and insights. Feel free to call Schinkel Fine Art today for more information about our artwork.

Viewers reflected in the artwork become an interactive component of the Metalamirror™. As one moves around the Metalamirror™, perception changes on multiple levels, providing an interactive, nuanced viewer experience. The silver mirror layer adds interaction connecting the viewer reflected into the mirror, one’s natural surroundings, and the sculpted aluminum layer. Mixing colored lighting interjects additional layered emotions into this already conjoined work.

Viewer engagement nudges one toward equanimity with all things on this planet and in the cosmos. Inward reflection and outward altered perspective tap into one’s essence. Guidance toward one’s quests is internalized, and possibilities are realized.

Customizing and commissioning artwork provide novel interactive one-of-a-kind experiences. Significant times in one’s life can be remembered in an artistic artwork, one that collectors can interact with every day. Marriages, sporting events, and memorable moments are brought to life through commissioned artwork. Please contact us for additional information.

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